Your Own Leadership & Business Development Academy

About the Leadership & Business Development Academy


In a typical professional business, the majority of work is brought in by a select few – they may be Partners, Directors or Owners, or they may be dedicated business development professionals. This is fine and works to an extent, but there is a glaring missed opportunity and a much better way.


Remove the disconnect


Imagine a whole company where everyone is involved in bringing in new business and developing existing relationships. Where everyone networks, engages with existing and potential clients, provides amazing, exceptional service, and above all, knows how. A business full of confident, client focused rainmakers.


A business where winning more work is everyone’s responsibility, and there is no longer a disconnect between those who win the work and those who deliver on it. Full 360.




Of course not. It just takes the right time, effort and training.


There really is no such thing as a natural sales person. The best rainmakers were trained, coached and mentored and anyone can join them.

To ask James to give you a call just…..

What exactly is the Business Development Academy?


A 12 month programme, run in-house and written specifically for your business.  Its outcome is to build your business’s future leaders into confident and effective business developers and winners.


The programme develops over its course as the skills and confidence of participants grow with it. It takes time to move technically strong people into great business developers, and the programme reflects this.


Programme sizes vary, but would generally be around 10 to 20 well chosen people (and we can help with this too).



Who will benefit most from this programme?


The focus is typically on those individuals who have been identified as the future of the business. These might be Partners or Board Level employees, but will typically include those aspiring to such levels.


These people will be technically strong, with an excellent work ethic and looking to develop their broader business skills.

with coffeeOrganise a Chat


Please get in touch to organise an initial chat and discuss your business simply click the big button above ⇪, or you can email me at, or call me on + 44 (0) 7736 831151.


I look forward to being in touch,

