Maintaining and developing your existing client relationships is key to the long term sustainability and growth of any business. It is, as we all know, much harder to get new clients than it is to look after those we have already won.
Yet, this area which is so often overlooked by many professional firms.
Existing clients can provide the best source of referrals, potential leads and networking opportunities. They can be easily leveraged to expand the relationship for selling additional services, and cross-sold services within the business generally.
I know as well as you do that on the whole very few firms truly exploit the opportunities available. And some don’t even have in place the basic processes to maintain the status quo with their clients.
I provide tailored workshops and one-to-one training, specific to the needs of you and your business. I would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss these areas with you personally.
Contact me
For more on developing yourself, your staff and improving the profitability of your business, please do get in touch. You can email me at, use the contact page on my website or call me on 07736 831151. Follow me on Twitter at @jamesnathanxp, connect to me on LinkedIn, or follow me on Facebook.