Ep18 – The Showbiz Meets Personalisation Edition with Alastair Greener

Ep18 – The Showbiz Meets Personalisation Edition with Alastair Greener

James chats with Alastair Greener, a communications consultant and speaker with over 25 years’ experience presenting on television, video, radio and stage.


For over seven years he has been helping individuals and organisations communicate more effectively. With his training company Present Yourself he leads insightful, interactive and engaging workshops on Presentation and Media Skills. In a series of keynote talks, he focuses on the value of building more personal business relationships.


They chat about the basics of service and personalisation, the simple things people should but don’t do, and making yourself easy to work with.


Contact Alastair:


Phone:                +44 (0) 203 633 1790
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Email:                  apg@presentyourself.co.uk
Website:             PresentYourself.co.uk
LinkedIn:            Alastair Greener
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James Nathan: 00:54 Hello and welcome to The Only One Business Show with me, your host James Nathan, and today in the studio, I’ve got a fabulous guest for you. He’s a communications consultant and speaker with over 25 years experience presenting on television, video radio. At one stage for over seven years, he’s been helping individuals and organizations communicate more effectively. With his training company Present Yourself. He leads insightful, interactive, and engaging workshops on presentation and media skills. In a series of keynote talks. He focuses on the value of building more personal business relationships. Please welcome Alastair Greener. Alastair. How are you?


Alastair Greener: 01:30 I’m very good. Thank you James. Great to chat to you and I’m really looking forward to it.


James Nathan: 01:35 Lovely. It was lovely to have you on. I know you’re you’re a busy guy in the moment, which is great. Personal business relationships. Tell me about that.


Alastair Greener: 01:44 Well, we spend a lot of time as whether we’re small business or large business or even a big corporation. We spend a lot of time getting new clients, new customers, and sometimes I feel that we may be not doing enough to look after the ones that we have. So we build better relationships with our clients so that not only do they become clients who will use this again, but they actually become advocates for us. So they wind up getting us more clients through referrals and recommendations. So really what I talk about is how can we ensure that that relationship is stronger and is more personal?


James Nathan: 02:24 So right along the lines of almost everything I talk about at the moment I think Alastair. And, you know, it takes so much work to get a new client doesn’t it?


Alastair Greener: 02:34 Well it does and you know, and that’s, that’s work that we have to do. It’s part of the process. But sometimes as I said, you know, if we just look after the business we’ve got and we just really concentrate and focus on doing that, then actually we’ll get a huge amount more business, almost free of charge that we haven’t had to spend a huge amount of time marketing on. And these are things which are particularly rocket science. I’ve got, I’ve maybe a few little ideas, a few little things that I do, which might be a bit different than people haven’t thought of before. But at the end of the day, this really comes down to getting back to the basics of insuring we have a good relationship with our customers and clients


James Nathan: 03:18 When people with people for a long time. You look at that relationship and think there must be some magic there, but it’s not magic is it? It’s well thought out and it’s very well executed. Why can’t everyone just do it?


Alastair Greener: 03:31 I think because we get so wrapped up in the processes of running our businesses and you know what I’m talking about here is stuff that I do as well. So I’m certainly not suggesting that I do it perfectly. Although since I started talking about it, I’m having to walk the walk and I make sure, hang on a second. Am I actually doing what I say that I should be doing? And I think we get so wrapped up in things that, not deliberately, but we always take our existing clients a little bit for granted and we don’t maybe nurture the relationship. It’s a little bit like a plant in your garden, you know it’s doing really well. It’s been there a couple of years now. That’s great. We don’t need to worry about that anymore. But actually you get a dry spell, it’s not particularly good weather or something happens and you know what? You need to give it a little bit of feed. You need to give a little bit of help to nurture it along. And our business relationships are literally the same, they work in the same way.


James Nathan: 04:25 And that’s a really lovely analogy. I’ve often compared relationships in business to personal relationships. And, you know, you have to work these things, you know, a good business relationship is, is a form of marriage. A good marriage takes a lot of work. But then when you’ve got the right marriage, it seems quite easy. Is part of the problem picking the wrong clients or is it just that we were not being fussy enough with the, with the choices that we make?


Alastair Greener: 04:56 Well, I’m personally not in favour of the whole philosophy of wrong clients. I think that we may be handle those clients in the wrong way. So in other words, we need to be understanding where they’re coming from. You know, I have clients who just want to send one word emails almost. And so I try and reciprocate in that same way. So I’m talking in a language that they actually appreciate, you know, it’s funny, there was a great quote once from Nelson Mandela when he was talking all about language and about how we should do things. And he said, if you talk to a man in a language he understands that goes to his head. But if you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. And the truth of it is I think our relationships with our clients need to be in a way that we really understand them.


Alastair Greener: 05:48 We get them and we understand that actually, you know what, they don’t want to be having our newsletter every week. They’ll probably want it maybe once a month or not at all. It’s just a personal email occasionally. I think getting to know your customers and what they want will ensure that you have a better relationship with them. Because let’s be honest, we’re all pretty narcissistic at heart and if we feel that somebody really knows us and looks after us for, you know, down to simple things, I have clients who still spell my name wrong. It’s not that difficult because it’s on the footer of every single email. But I’m not sure that I don’t do that to my clients because little things like that might wind you up. So it’s always about the little things that we can do to make sure that we appreciate our customers and that we understand them.


James Nathan: 06:37 I love that quote from Nelson Mandela. I’m going to pinch that if that’s okay, that’s lovely. I just laughed when you talked about the name because you know, our names are such an important part of our identity. You know, my name’s James Nathan as you know, and the number of times I get called Nathan is unbelievable to the point where when, when Ben was born, like all Nathan men, I think we’ve all tried to name our sons Nathan, Nathan, to get around the problem. No one’s been able to get away with it yet. But you do often think, come on, you know, could you not just get my name right? Could you not just spell my name right?


Alastair Greener: 07:16 You’re absolutely right and it’s not going to, you know, be a deal clincher, but you know what, if you’re on the cusp of getting that business or getting that repeat business, it’s little things like that that could actually make a difference.


James Nathan: 07:29 Oh, and you would be so embarrassed when you first started calling someone by the wrong name.


Alastair Greener: 07:33 Absolutely Nathan [inaudible].


James Nathan: 07:36 Do you know why I’ve got round it by to say that’s okay Greener and people who cotton on to it. So, I mean, names are a very simple thing, but how else can we personalize for our clients?


Alastair Greener: 07:50 One of the big things that I like to talk about is going the extra mile or, you know, I went to see Madness, the band last summer who are phenomenal, just outside Reading, which I know is not that far from you. And, and it’s suddenly I heard them sing this one song. I was thought, that’s it. That’s the way to describe customer service and the way that we deal with our customers. And that’s one step beyond, you know, I like to imagine that we’re going down a motorway and you get to a junction and over the gantry it says on one side it says one step beyond, and on the other side it says, you know, let’s take the easy route out. That’ll do. And I think it’s going that extra mile, you know, making sure that we undersell and over deliver with our customers and making sure that they get real value. You know, there’s a great, another great quote for you from Warren Buffet who said, price is what you pay. Value is what you get. And I always want to make sure that my customers and my clients always get amazing value. So they walk away thinking, wow, that was so much more than I thought I would get. I absolutely want to add them to have that feeling every time.


James Nathan: 09:06 And it’s such a simple concept, isn’t it? You just do a great job and people get more than they expected and they love you.


Alastair Greener: 09:13 Yeah. The large corporations of course suffer from this slightly because their sales teams are separate to their delivery teams. And then the sales teams are all keen about getting those sales, but then it’s now up to the delivery people to actually make sure they deliver and exceed expectations, which is sometimes quite a challenge.


James Nathan: 09:33 There’s, yeah, there’s a real disconnect there between the sales and delivery when you, when you separate them that way. And I think that it’s a problem of scale with big businesses. But having worked in a large corporate myself before where that wasn’t the case where the delivery was, you know, the sale and delivery were done by the same people, then you’ve got a joined up relationship and the relationship moves from understanding through to delivery. You get a better product, a better service. And the client has a better relationship with your business. Does it have to be separated in those companies? I mean, I could give an example where it isn’t, but you know, is the scale of the business a problem or is it something that we should just be thinking in a different way?


Alastair Greener: 10:18 I think, again, it comes back to the process and so many organizations are obsessed with process and so often they forget the personal touch. You know, as a classic example, recently I had an email from my local garage and it just looked a little bit weird and said, Hi Alastair Greener this is Richard here and I’ve got this new car that’s just come in. And it was a very formulaic email. And I thought, hmm, you know, maybe this is just a bit of spam. I’m not too sure, because I know Richard and he wouldn’t write like this. So this is a bit odd. So eventually I thought, you know, I’ll see him over the next week or so anyway. When I saw him, I said, but you know, that email you sent? And he said, Oh yes. I said, what do you mean? Oh yes. He said, you probably didn’t like it very much, did you? And I said, well, I was just a bit confused. And he said, well, it’s our company. They make sure that we follow a process in the way that we talk about new cars coming in for our customers and I’m bound by that process and it was really, really difficult for me. I said, well, you know, the truth of it is I didn’t contact you because I didn’t like it. I wasn’t sure about it. And that was a classic example of a company instilling process rather than actually maybe sometimes training and working with their staff to empower them to be able to create a relationship with their customers. The trouble is if you lose that trust between the management and the people on the coalface, you create processes and then these processes unfortunately don’t allow the ones who can really shine to shine because they’re now constricted.

James Nathan: 12:03 It’s a really interesting thing. You mentioned there, I’ve just done while you were talking about that at the end I was thinking there’s a coffee shop in Henley that I go to quite a bit to catch up with people for a drink. It’s, it’s Cafe Nero now. Nero’s a big chain. And like all, you know, Starbucks clones, you know, there’s a process you turn up, you asked for your drink at one end, you collected at the other, all that sort of stuff. But the staff they have in there are absolutely fantastic. And I was down there this week actually having a coffee with somebody and as all standing waiting, a little old lady turned up and the girl behind the counter turned around and went, oh, hi, you know, I’ll get you, I’ll get you drink. And The lady said, Oh, thank you, but I’m not going to have a Danish pastry today because I’m on a bit of a diet. And they had a little joke about that and there was such a personal level to it in a chain shop. You know, and it’s, and there must be, firstly obviously hired the right people, which is great, but the training and the effort that goes into those people is working because it was so different to what you’d expect in a chain.


Alastair Greener: 13:10 And let’s not forget management of people is infinitely harder than management of resources. It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of effort to empower your staff, to train your staff, to motivate your staff. And it’s just so much easier just to put in a process. When I was working on cruise ships, which I did for many years, it was quite interesting that sometimes head office would send an email saying, oh, you know, come up with a new memo about a new policy about how something should be done. And all of us were chuckling, thinking, well, we know who that was. That was, that was Billy who messed up that thing. And you thought to yourself, you just talked to Billy, why are you sending us all a memo? Because, you know, because it’s cowardly management, frankly. And it’s lazy management.


Alastair Greener: 14:00 And a lot of it does come down to good management. And, of course that goes all the way to the top to ensure the middle management are also empowered to be able to do that. Because quite often senior management are putting in a load of processes in for middle management, which makes it more difficult for them. So it’s about having that open communication, making sure that everyone feels a part of the organization, they feel part of the common game. And I know these are things that organizations talk about a lot, but they don’t necessarily always do that. And I think that’s the thing when it comes to our relationships when we’re dealing with our clients is, you know, we, we can sometimes put a little bit of a process in, you know, there’s a guy who does some plumbing for me, lovely guy does a great job and I just get this automated invoice came through. Yeah. And it wasn’t like Hi Alastair thank you very much. It was great to do some work for you. Please find the enclosed invoice. You know, it can’t be beyond the wit of man to create a process that actually allows you to personalize these things a bit.


James Nathan: 15:06 You’ve mentioned laziness there and mentioned process a few times and a couple of examples that give you’ve given the ones that I think we can all identify with, you know, the, the email that comes through and you just think, oh seriously, you know, be or, or that I that you know, that the template email with the, with the invoice attached. Is that a symptom of, of the kind of, I don’t know, the want I guess for people to automate things to, to, to use technology to make life simpler so that they can get on with other stuff is it laziness or is it just overteching or, what do you think?


Alastair Greener: 15:48 That’s a really good question because I do a lot of interviewing in a business environment, something called business reports, which I do in London at Reuters studios once a week. And we interview a lot of people and I’ve learned a lot about, you know, the AI and all of the latest technology that the big boys are using, like Amazon and people like that. And they do it incredibly well. They really get that personalization right? Not always, but they’re able to get it pretty good. And AI is going to really improve on that, you know. So for example, when you have your conversations with a company in the future and you’re doing that sort of emailing back and forth, the chances are it’s going to be a Bot that’s talking to you. And then occasionally an individual might get involved.


Alastair Greener: 16:38 So it gives accurate information and then it’ll personalize as and when it needs to. The challenge for smaller businesses is that if you can’t compete with that because you don’t have the resources that these massive corporations have, and therefore if you try and put in these algorithms of a more basic nature, all that happens, it just looks really impersonal. And my view is that wherever you can make it more personal, do it. Wherever you can make people feel that they’re actually dealing with an individual, someone who actually cares about them as their client, then absolutely do it and engage. And although these algorithms and things are great, and of course what it does, it takes out the guesswork for companies. Yeah, it’s great, isn’t it? It’s another form of process that, okay, well that’s that box ticked. That’s that box texted, where done. But actually all of us, as I said before, we were all pretty narcissistic.


Alastair Greener: 17:36 We like to feel that we’re a little bit special. You know, I was on holiday last weekend down in Cornwall and we were going to a few different restaurants and different places and it was amazing the level of interaction that you got with different people and how it varied. But I’m a bit of a TripAdvisor fan. I went straight onto TripAdvisor and I was giving nuts and bolts because I believe in, you know, the compliment sandwich. If something’s not right, then you give them the opportunity to fix it. And if they’re great, then absolutely let’s celebrate it. You know, there’s one place called the Coach and Horses where I stayed. This lady and her husband had just taken it over. She’s got early onset Parkinson’s. She’s managing and living with it really well, but it is there. And she, as we come in the door is saying, can I carry your bags up to your room for us? I’m thinking, wow, of course not, you know, because we’re perfectly capable. But it was those little touches. It was that little interaction that made me feel so much more positive about them, giving them positive remarks on TripAdvisor, but also making sure that if anybody I spoke to anybody again, I’d say, make sure you go to the Coach and Horses.


James Nathan: 18:49 Those are that style of personal referral. Everyone loves, you know, it’s very nice too. If I was on my way or holiday and I said elsewhere, I know you’ve been there, where did you stay and say, coach and horses and I trust you and that trust is borrowed and, and that’s all fabulous. And TripAdvisor and other… Those kinds of what do you call it? Forums I guess are fabulous and helpful. They’re either very good or very bad. And I think people like to have a rant on them a bit at times, which is detrimental to a lot of businesses because you know, every now and then things do mess up. But to have a business where people say you must go to them is should be bread and butter. You know, just being one of many doesn’t get you anywhere.


James Nathan: 19:36 You know, I talk about being the only one a lot and being the only one is about being the, when someone mentions whatever category it is that you do that somebody else mentions you, you’re the one they mentioned, not a group of any, not, you know, have a Google search and click away. But becoming that one personal thing. The algorithm you talked about I think are quite interesting because there’s huge amount of technology and the expense going into that at the moment. But what you said there about, you know, the big boys doing it very well and small businesses trying to emulate that. The technology is not there yet for us. The technology’s there for Amazon because they can afford it. But for, you know, for James Nathan, for Alastair Greener, for whoever else it’s just not good enough yet. When it becomes good enough then we should use it more. But I know I tried to put a, Well I did put a chat bot on my website for a while just to see if anybody would use it. And there were a lot of automated opportunities on there. None of them were very good. In fact, actually the only thing that was good was the ability for me to be able to speak directly to someone there and then through a different medium


Alastair Greener: 20:48 And I think that’s really, really valid. To just think how we feel. I mean, again, you said this is bread and butter and you’re absolutely right. It is bread and butter, but sometimes we just need to remind ourselves, however big our organization is, we need to remind ourselves of the customer and client experience. You know, I love this, you know, I know sort of a Hollywood and everything else, but the Undercover Boss, what a great concept where people actually get to really realize what’s happening at the coalface because there’s a big void of distance between the CEO of the company and the guys who are actually looking after the customers. So it’s massively important that we make our customers feel like they are important to us. And this is actually one of the big advantages that smaller companies have is cause you have that ability where the big companies then have to, yes, they’ll use our algorithms.


Alastair Greener: 21:43 But if there’s any opportunity to interface with the organization, then it’s good. I mean, I look at people like Apple and Amazon. If you do, it’s very difficult to get to talk to them. They do their darnedest to stop you from talking to them so that you go through their processes. But they do measure up when you do eventually get to talk to somebody, which is great. And that then just echoes your reputation. You know, my key word thoughts really are, is be memorable for the right reasons and guard your reputation with your entire life. Because a reputation is gold. If it’s good and it’s easy to lose the reputation and darn difficult to get it back again. So thinking of all of those things that you know really help that reputation. And one of the things that I use, I don’t know if you remember the film Blazing Saddles, one of my favourite films, there’s a part where Taggart says, you know, tell you what boss we’ll head them off at the pass.


Alastair Greener: 22:43 Remember that bit and head are played by the wonderful Harvey Korman says, head him off at the pass. I hate that cliche. And it got me thinking a little bit about the movie and the fact that it is a cliche, but actually it’s one of the things that I think is a really good technique to really keep your customers and clients on site to really ensure you’re giving customer service is to head them off of the past. In other words, communicate with your clients, keep them fully informed and always be ahead of whatever they’re thinking. I always think of a client has to ring me or email me to check on something or to chase something up. Then frankly I’ve failed. I want to always be ahead. So you know, if I’m delivering a keynote somewhere, I’ll be saying to the client a week in advance, really looking forward to seeing you in a weeks time.


Alastair Greener: 23:38 I think I’ve got everything, but if there’s anything else you need, just let me know. Well, what that’s telling him, number one is I’m on it. Number two doesn’t need to check is he still going to turn up and it just makes him, saves him that one little bit of hassle. And we all know that we live in fickle times. People will shift from one person to another if they are difficult. You know, the show business world, you know, you hear more and more these days that big names have been dumped because they’re difficult to work with. They’re a hassle, they’re not reliable. All the stuff that’s really essential and basic, but people sometimes forget to do because they’re so wrapped up, they’re so busy. But you just need to create a system if you like, to make sure that you are always ahead of the game, you know, with your customers


James Nathan: 24:28 And you, you’ve tapped on something else there which are things very interesting and is a great point, is about being easy to work with. And you’ve mentioned Warren Buffett’s quote before about value and it makes perfect sense. You know, what you get more than you pay for is, is the value or the extra. But actually the third part is the ease of use. You know, it doesn’t matter how valuable something is, doesn’t matter how great they are. If they’re hard to work with, we won’t do it again. And you know, I’m thinking of, I think of Beyonce where you mentioned showbiz and I heard a fantastic story about her requiring water in the change room as part of her thing. But the fact is that she only wants fizzy water that’s been allowed to go flat. And I thought, goodness me, you know, of all the things we can, if all, you know, if you taking diva to a new level that’s gotta be the absolute top end of it.


James Nathan: 25:23 But being so hard, why make yourself hard to work with? I think, you know, give yourself a quick look in the mirror, I remember who you are, and get on with it is probably a good thing. But if people are easy to work with this, if you are like, you know, your example of being in touch early so that they don’t need to think or worry, is very, very good practice. It makes you easy to work with. When people come back afterwards and they say, how was the experience well he was great and so easy to work with? It was lovely. And that’s something that people will talk about. So a very easy differentiator.


Alastair Greener: 26:00 Yeah. And I think a lot of what we do in whatever business we’re in, you know, we can make the lives of the people we call clients or customers, we can make their lives a lot easier. You know, for me as a speaker or as an MC or as a TV presenter, you know, there’s things I know that I can do to make life easier for the people I’m working for. And I will always look for ways and means where if their jobs easier, that’s the person who’s going to be recommending me. You know, there’s an old adage that when you go for a job interview, you know you’ve got to be on it from the moment you walk up to the building because you never know who’s watching. You never know who you’re going to with, you know? And Zsa Zsa Gabor used to say, you know, I don’t remember people’s names, I just call them darling.


Alastair Greener: 26:49 Well that’s okay in show business. But the truth is if you get to know the different people and who they are. Funny enough, I was recommended a job the other day, believe it or not, by a makeup artist who I work with at the Business Reporter and she just happened to be talking to one of her clients and say, well, you know, actually this is guy worked with on Business reporter, you know, give him a call. He’s incredibly easy to work with and I’m sure you like him and, it comes, business will sometimes come from the most unlikely advocates. So all of that kind of being easy to work with makes a big, big difference


James Nathan: 27:29 At that person who’s referred you. I mean I, I, I was talking to someone the other day about this and that saying thank you or simple thank you to the people who give you business, making sure that you don’t forget them.


Alastair Greener: 27:41 That’s a massive part for me is the whole saying thank you. I actually have you know, cards I have gifts. It’s a really interesting thing. People say, oh, they send a gift and they’ll send something like, you know, some I don’t know, cups or mugs or umbrellas and things like that with their whole…. With their logo on it and stuff. And there’s, there’s a great line from a guy called John Ruhlin who wrote a book called Giftology and he said, if gifts about them, it’s a gift. If it’s brand focused, it’s all about you and it’s a promotion. And he also said, you know, that it’s not the thought that counts, but the thoughtful thought that counts. So saying thank you and meaning it without lead thinking about next business. Just the genuine thought of saying thank you, makes such a big, big difference. It really, really does.


James Nathan: 28:41 It’s so simple to do that well if you think about it. But I think the problem is that people don’t, and you know, I was thinking of looking at my desk now there’s a thank you card on there that I got from somebody who I didn’t even do anything, well I introduced them to somebody else. And off the back of that they ended up getting a new job. Now the introduction was made because I thought it was the right thing to do and I wanted to help them. The card makes me grin, you know, like a Cheshire Cat. But some of the most wonderful things that I’ve got, some of the things that people have given me in the past are the ones that really ring true that have you know, they, they know me.


James Nathan: 29:24 And this, you know, that the card has motorbikes on it because they know I like motorbikes. Little things like that make such a big, big difference, but it’s not hard to do. I know. You know, one of my things Alastair is to, when people mentioned things that they like, I just make a note of it. Because you never know when you might need a present and it’s actually a trick my my old auntie used to do. She said I know what everybody likes cause they’ll just make a note in my diary so when I need to thank them I can, I know what to thank them.


Alastair Greener: 29:52 Absolutely. And you know what, it’s that whole thing. That’s what relationship building is all about. You know, when you first started, you know, dating your wife, I bet you hung on every single words to see what she liked and what she didn’t like. The truth of it is why aren’t we doing that with our customers? I mean these days, I mean, I don’t have a, you know, a very complicated, you know, customer referencing system or anything like that. I have no crm. I just use my phone and put it in the notes and just before I make a phone call to somebody, you know, I will have a quick little look and think, oh yeah, I must ask about that. Their baby because they had about a couple months ago. You know, little things like that. And it just makes people recognize that you are genuinely interested in them and you’ve taken that time to find out about them. Funnily enough, as you were talking though about writing notes, that’s exactly what I’ve just written down in front of me. It’s go on your thing. The fact that you love motorbikes, which I didn’t know


James Nathan: 30:48 Didn’t you? Crikey, I didn’t think I shut up about the damn things. [laughs]. One of the things I love about podcasts is the things you learn about people. And that’s part of what makes relationships fun is getting to know somebody and knowing, you know, we all know what each other do in business. It’s knowing that person and enjoying that relationship and the personalization side of it. Just making it personal. I know, which is, which is something you talk about a lot, is just, it’s more fun, isn’t it?


Alastair Greener: 31:24 Exactly. You know, it does make it more fun and the wonderful thing is it makes it good fun, but it also is darn good business. So it’s a complete win win situation. So it’s, you know, all I say is, you know, let’s get to know our clients better. Let’s engage with them more and let it be about them. You know, the old term McFly song, you know, It’s All About You. Well it really is all about our clients. And when I hear companies say the customer is at the centre of everything we do, I think, yeah, but are you actually walking the walk with that? Is the customer really at the centre of what you do? Or you just going to write another process to tell people to tell the customers that? Because just by telling them unfortunately isn’t going to be enough. You’re going to have to show them that you,


James Nathan: 32:16 Alastair, you have given us so much to think about there. Thank you very much. As it is a heap I hope that people will take on board and think about and see what they can do. But before we wind up, I’d love you to tell us your one thing, your big golden nugget, the one thing that people could do in their business today to make it a better place for today and in the years to come, what would that be here?


Alastair Greener: 32:40 You know what, I’ve just got a very simple quote that I use all the time, and I think if you had this as your mantra, maybe this on a little card above your desk or whatever, is just to say to yourself, business relationships should be personal, not a process.


James Nathan: 32:58 Alastair, that’s lovely. Thank you so, so much.



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