S2E12 The Significant Business Edition with Dawnna St. Louis
James chats with Dawnna St. Louis, one of the world’s most requested motivational speakers. With a bigger than life stage presence this CEO of highprofitzone.com has transformed lives worldwide from a homeless team to a multi millionaire entrepreneur.
Her extraordinary transformation is one of the inspirations behind her bold message, helping others discover their own untapped talents and infinite potential. Today, fans worldwide revere her for a mastery of teaching people how to tap into their limitless potential. A noted successful entrepreneur, she’s built an organization dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, consultants, and experts to succeed.
They discuss business information, BluRay vs HDD, The 7 Triggers to a Yes, Aristotle, socially conscious businesses, Starbuckians, significant businesses and having a conversation.
Contact Dawnna:
w: www.Dawnna.com
e: Dawnna@Dawnna.com
t: + 1 954.558.5999
James Nathan 0:54 Hello and welcome to The Only One Business Show with me your host James Nathan and today I’ve got a fabulous guest for you, all the way from upstate New York and I believe she’s just waking up which is great because I’m mid afternoon over here in Britain. She’s one of the world’s most requested motivational speakers. With a bigger than life stage presence this CEO of highprofitzone.com has transformed lives worldwide from a homeless team to a multi millionaire entrepreneur. Her extraordinary transformation is one of the inspirations behind her bold message, helping others discover their own untapped talents and infinite potential. Today, fans worldwide revere her for a mastery of teaching people how to tap into their limitless potential. A noted successful entrepreneur, she’s built an organization dedicated to helping other entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers, consultants, and experts to succeed. Please welcome Dawnna St. Louis. Dawnna how are you?
Dawnna St. Louis 1:56 I am absolutely fantastic. How are you today?
James Nathan 1:59 Oh, I’m I’m great, thank you. So you’re waking up there over over in the States. That’s good news.
Dawnna St. Louis 2:03 I’m like, Yeah, I mean, this is pre coffee. So I cannot vouch for anything that falls out of my mouth. So but it’s fine.
James Nathan 2:13 Well, you know, having met you, a couple of years ago now at a conference and I remember you weren’t shy on talking your mind which is exactly what we’d hoped for.
Dawnna St. Louis 2:25 I think you have the wrong person first of all, I’m a bit of a wallflower and a little shy and not outspoken at all, and I never interrupt people so
James Nathan 2:37 Well, the beauty of recording this sort of stuff before we go live is that when I talk over you and you talk over me we can do something about that. But look it’s so lovely of you to get up and talk to me today. You’ve got a fabulous background. Just give us a quick…. for people who haven’t met you or haven’t come across you before gives a quick kind of understanding of Dawnna
Dawnna St. Louis 3:00 Oh, absolutely. So I’m a Cancer with Leo rising now…..I was….. that’s gonna be typical. I’m just preparing you
James Nathan 3:10 I don’t even know what you’re talking about because I’m a dinosaur I think is that one of them?
Dawnna St. Louis 3:14 Yes, yes that’s you are, wow, you’re so on point. I was born in Miami actually and I do live in I actually live on the East Coast of the United States. So based on what time of year it is. I live in either Jupiter, not the planet, but the part in Florida, a DC area or upstate New York but when I was 19 years old, I was homeless. And I lived in my car for a few months. And I had to figure out how to get out of my car which I ended up doing. I stumbled my way, I say stumbled but I actually worked my way into IT. Once I got into Information Technology I decided that because I did not have a college degree that I was going to get every certification known to man in regards to IT. To give you an idea of what that looks like most IT people know how to write code or, they know how to build hardware, or they know how to do networks, or they know how to do design. And that was not me. I wanted to have a certification in all of them. So I became certified and everything from how to build a computer, how to connect it to networks, how to make those networks sing, how to write the code, all of it UX UI design, the whole thing, so I got really heavy in IT. I got really heavy and in databases and that type of stuff. And then I built a business intelligence company and I sold it 13 years later and I retired.
James Nathan 4:53 That’s a hell of a change from from living in a car to selling a multi million dollar business. There’s a few steps in between you seem to have forgotten
Dawnna St. Louis 5:00 Tiny, insignificant really.
James Nathan 5:05 So talk to me that the business that you sold what was so special about it?
Dawnna St. Louis 5:09 The business that I sold was a business intelligence company. And so it’s kind of funny because people say so does that mean you spy on other businesses? Not really, we actually spy on the businesses that hire us. We take their data and we slice it and dice it and make magic happen with that data. That’s basically what it comes down to. So we tell them, we kind of said that we help predict the future of business. What was really special about it was that we were able to do this across industries rather than just a single organization. So what made it really special was our ability to predict how a single entitie’s data impacted the industry as a whole or how the industry as a whole impacted a single entities data was all the difference in the world because it helps my clients make smarter business decisions.
James Nathan 6:05 Okay? And so I mean, people are starting to really understand the importance of data these days but there’s a very big issue I guess in how do you transcribe that in your mind to turning that into actions in a business.
Dawnna St. Louis 6:21 So let me tell you Okay, so here it is. So let’s say for example, you decide that you want to purchase and I’ll use an example from back in the day and then one current. So let’s say back in the day you are standing in in one of the high tech stores and you’re trying to purchase a DVD. At the time there was a choice when these DVDs first came out between two DVDs there was Panasonic HD and there was a blu ray DVD. If you bought the Panasonic it did not work on a blu ray player. If you bought blu ray, it does not work on a Panasonic. This is very frustrating by the way for customers because they’re like well, I don’t know which one to get? Which one? What if one goes away, you know. And so, business intelligence, number one allows our clients to make a decision on which one of those are doing better in the race. So which one is doing better? That’s the first question. Once they determine which one is doing better, we help them with this decision. They literally start pulling Panasonic HD off the shelf and selling it for extra cheap. And thereby Sony blu ray taking over, which now impacts you as a consumer because your choice is now Panasonic blu ray, you don’t have to worry about going between one or the other. And you have something that you know was going to work. So that’s back in the day, our business intelligence drove that decision. Literally, we drove that decision. Some people would actually say that we made that decision. And Panasonic wasn’t playing nice with us. And then and then if you fast forward to today. Today, it’s a little different. So you decide that you’re going to go online, and you’re going to make a purchase online, you saw an ad on Facebook, you click on that ad, and now you make a purchase. You now have…. we now have data all the way down to the click, and we can take that data. And we can say, based on these demographics, and all of this information, this is how you should put together your Facebook ad. This is how you should…. so it’s literally down to that point where we could say, the color of the button that matters, the type of text that matters, that whether the person is black, white, blue, green, or orange, male, female, whether it how that matters, we can tell you exactly what algorithm to put together in order to drive a better buying decision to your advantage from your customer.
James Nathan 8:53 And so how does that impact the kind of the way that the customer then feels about that business?
Dawnna St. Louis 8:58 Well, it makes the customer like the business knows them, right? If all of a sudden, so let’s say I am a transgender female, and it’s suddenly instead of just getting hetero white male or hetero white female images on my Facebook feed. In regards to advertisements, I’m getting advertisements that look more like me. So now I feel like so if I’m that person sitting there and I’m, let’s say I’m a transgender, African American female, and I’m looking and I see a transgender African American female come across my feed, then I feel like oh, that company gets me, they know me. That is the company for me. It also ensures that from a company perspective, that the company isn’t wasting their time or money putting ads in front of people that they don’t connect with.
James Nathan 9:47 Right, right. And knowing people….. I talk a lot on this show about the personalization of business but getting to actually feel known is a very simple thing, but so many businesses, don’t do it well.
Dawnna St. Louis 10:00 They don’t, at all. One of the things that that I developed is something called the Seven Triggers to Yes. And the Seven Triggers to Yes is based on Aristotle’s nicomachean ethics. Okay, so that just sounded like, like, right now everybody listening is going, okay, she’s a total geek. But I swear to you, I’m a real live human person.
James Nathan 10:21 Hey its cool to be a geek these days.
Dawnna St. Louis 10:24 I been one for many years, so I kind of established cool geekdom. But, one of the things that kind of happened was back…. and here is 399 BC. And this dude is studying people’s desires, right? What drives people and what motivates them, you know, back in the time when, you know, this is pre Freud. Yeah, um, and I got into Aristotle because I worked when I was in high school at this doctor’s office and she said, don’t study Freud, study what Freud studied and who he should have studied which took me to Aristotle. Okay, here’s the cool thing, what Aristotle wrote back in 399 BC we use today, in marketing, we use it today as the baseline of every archetype text out there from Disc to Strengths Finder to all of it. And so what I did was instead of telling you, you have to take a Disc test, instead of telling you how to take a Myers Briggs test or a Strengths Finder test, I just said, what if we just updated Aristotle seven triggers to the 20th century so people can read it, understand them. And then say, Yep, that resonates or nope, that does. And that’s it once you understand those triggers, I’m sorry, once you understand those triggers, all of a sudden, not only do you understand what your strengths are, and what drives you, and what motivates you and how you like to be spoken to, but when you understand what other people’s triggers are and what motivates them, then you know exactly how to speak their language. It’s like the Rosetta Stone of emotional communication.
James Nathan 11:56 Fantastic. And so what are they what are the what are the seven triggers to a yes.
Dawnna St. Louis 12:01 So the seven triggers are, let me know when you’re ready because there’s I’m gonna do them quickly. So the seven triggers are acceptance is the first one, significance, dominance. So you got those top three, those three are really important cos they kind of define how we make up our team so significance acceptance, dominance. Then you have instant gratification, simplicity, treasure. How many have I given you?
James Nathan 12:34 Sorry, that’s 7
Dawnna St. Louis 12:44 I’m trying to do my count on my fingers
James Nathan 12:45 I’ve only got 10 fingers, so that’s where I end.
Dawnna St. Louis 12:50 We have accepted significance, dominance, instant gratification, treasure, simplicity and leverage.
James Nathan 12:57 Leverage, okay? So when you’re talking to entrepreneurs and coaches and people building businesses, how do they start to use these? What does each bit mean? And how do they all work together?
Dawnna St. Louis 13:08 Absolutely. So one of the first things that I do when working with anyone who’s coming through my company, high profit zone, is…. you know, entrepreneurs right now are more concerned with ensuring that they build a business that’s not just about making money, but it’s about something that they love to do, and that it embodies their strengths. So one of the first things we look at is the triggers. What is this thing that motivates you? And what is the thing that you’re the strongest at? When we know those two things and we can take your expertise, plop it right there in the middle and go, this is how you personally should be delivering and working within this area of expertise, makes all the difference in the world.
James Nathan 13:51 And how to people find that because so many people say, you know, I’ve got a great idea or want to want to run this as a business. How do you get to the heart of what you’re going to do?
Dawnna St. Louis 14:00 Well, so the first thing is I do tell people, there’s a lot of people who want to do everything. And I do tell people, I don’t want you to do everything. I want you to do something that significant, that if I put you on a private island, and it’s the only thing you could do for the rest of your life, what would that be? Then the second thing I ask people, is there something that’s consistently made you successful in business, in life? There’s one thing. I don’t necessarily know what it is, but you do. And on top of it, you probably have a step by step method that you’re following to do that thing. What is it because that is your true area of expertise. Your true area of expertise is not necessarily a topic that someone gave you or something that you just studied in school. It’s something else, it’s something beneath that and below that, we want to get to that core. And then we want to tell you what your strengths and motivators,
James Nathan 14:56 People talk about that a lot of not just not just in in the way that you’ve described it in multiple different ways of getting to the heart of that. But then, obviously, there needs to be a business to build from there doesn’t that?
Dawnna St. Louis 15:08 Absolutely, yeah. So here, I’ll give you a perfect example. I was talking to a gentleman the other day, he’s absolutely brilliant in regards to, he thinks companies should be more socially conscious. That is one of his bigger things. And I go, that’s great. But there are three things for companies that are worried about number one, their bottom line, number two, their efficiency, and number three, their productivity. So how is that going to help? How is being more socially conscious going to help an organization and one of those three areas? And he said, well, if you’re socially conscious, then now you have this specific target market who’s very interested in that socially conscious effort, and that target market will be highly loyal and it will impact your bottom line. Okay, now we’re talking, right and so you have to make sure that while you want to do this great thing, I’m not being socially conscious and being what he calls a global citizen is very, very important. However, making sure that we’re not a martyr in our global citizenship is also critical. And so we’re not asking companies to martyr themselves, we’re asking companies to take a look at your global citizenship efforts and how you can leverage those efforts towards a more powerful bottom line and towards a more loyal following and target market
James Nathan 16:25 Sure, sure and that, building that loyal following is the heart of business, isn’t it? I know you, you talk a lot about that and I heard a wonderful story or heard you speaking until a wonderful story about going into a Starbucks and how that led you to be a very loyal Starbucks user.
Dawnna St. Louis 16:44 A Starbuckian yes.
James Nathan 16:47 A Starbuckian wow, okay. What what happened at the Starbucks?
Dawnna St. Louis 16:51 So the long and short of it is I go into this Starbucks. I’ve….. and you have to know that at the time I was not a coffee drinker at all. I didn’t drink anything stronger than chocolate milk and and I walk in but it’s one of those mornings where I didn’t get enough sleep the night before. I’m getting ready to get on a plane and I’m just a little…. just not quite awake. And so I walk in and there’s this girl in there named Elizabeth ‘Liz’. Liz literally is the hypest is little chihuahua Starbuckian person ever in the morning and she’s just so chipper and happy and she’s like, Good morning and I’m like, I hate you. You know, it’s really first thing in the morning. So it’s just the two of us. And I told her I said listen, I know I said I don’t drink coffee and of course I’m in a Starbucks and I said, but I need caffeine. So we got to make this happen. And she goes, she kind of analyzes what I might enjoy and then she looks at me and she goes, I know it’s perfect for you. A white chocolate mocha with extra whipped cream of course and I’m like, whatever you just said just sounds like, you know, goodness and heaven. And so did we have caffeine in it? She goes, I will put extra caffeine and still make it extra sweet. I was like, I love you, you know, but I still thought she was a bit of a chihuahua and still kind of crazy. And so I go to pay for that. And she says, you know, and it’s first thing in the morning, so you probably need a little potassium. So here’s a banana. And you probably need a little carbs to really get you up. So here and I’m like, wow. And I take out my wallet to pay for it. And I have no wallet. No wallet, no money and you have to know I’m I have my driver’s license. But I’ve taken all my cards…. I do this crazy thing, where I put cards that I’m going to travel with in one wallet and then I put my ID, I stick it to the back of my phone. I left that wallet at home along with the other wallet that had the other cards in it. All I had was my ID and I gotta catch a flight. I do not have time to go all the way back home and come back. I apologize to her profusely because she’s made this amazing drink and she goes, you know it is taken. It’s on me. Of course I’m like….
James Nathan 19:06 Fabulous.
Dawnna St. Louis 19:07 See you thought fabulous. I was looking outside because I’m like she’s trying to get me arrested. Get me for stealing Starbucks in the morning. You must be crazy. And she goes no and nicest person in the world and I took the drink. And it was amazing, by the way, I’m like best, best drink I’ve ever had in my life. It was a great drink. I had a great morning and two or three days had passed. And I had gotten back home and I still hadn’t made it back to the store. But you got to know every night, I am literally dreaming of Liz like I can hear go “good morning, hello, welcome to Starbucks”. And so the guilt, the guilt like it clearly I can’t steal anything right because the guilt was just overwhelming for me
James Nathan 19:52 I’ve got to get back and give her some money.
Dawnna St. Louis 19:53 Yeah, I have to go back and give her this money. So I go back to her. You know, I take my $25.84 cents for my coffee, my pastry and my banana, And because that’s how much it costs, and she, and I take it back to her, and I said, thank you. And she looked at me and she was just like, What? Why? No, I told you that was on me. You’re having a hard day. And I just wanted to do something to make it a little better. And I said, yeah, but Liz, you had no idea that I was actually going to come back.
James Nathan 20:19 And this is what, this is days later. She remembers you?
Dawnna St. Louis 20:21 It days later, she not only remembers me, she remembers my name. You know, we had a moment. She’s like, Hi Dawnna. And I was like, What the hell, you know? And, and she goes, and I said, I just came back to pay for my stuff and get out of here. And she goes, Oh, no, I’ll make you another. You know, white hot mocha. I was like, What? And so she says…. and I said, no, I just want to pay and she goes…. I said, Liz, you had no idea was going to come back you I mean, I could have taken that I could be running a scam and every Starbucks in United States, you know, what do you do? You know what I mean? Like, just going around like pretending and she goes, and I go, you didn’t know it’s gonna come back and she goes, no but it’s my job to do everything to make sure that you want to.
James Nathan 21:03 Fantastic well that’s such a magic thing though, isn’t it? And you know, I’ve been into a kind of in tell you how many different coffee shops and to be honest it’s so bland most of them you know, you walk in, you stand, you order the silly cup size, you pay the woman, you wait at the circle, you take your drink, it’s the same everywhere. And why was she like that? What was different about her or how did that…. Is that something that every Starbucks should have? Because I know they don’t.
Dawnna St. Louis 21:34 Not everyone does have it. But I will tell you. There are many that I go to in the US that have it. There are more than a few. And, it’s not an uncommon experience, for me when I go to a Starbucks to have an experience like that where people actually talk to you and they say Hey, how are you doing? Whether you’re in the drive thru or walk in. So there is kind of that, you know, that Disney training so to speak in regards to, our job is to make sure that you want to come back and more so than that, they really feel like their job is to make you feel like you’re a part of the community. And I think that’s really important.
James Nathan 22:16 That was the third place thing, wasn’t it? They started in the first place was, you know, you’ve got your home place, your workplace and that third place in between is the Starbucks and, you know, it’s obviously it’s not done too badly, has it?
Dawnna St. Louis 22:30 No, no, they haven’t. They haven’t done that bad at all. I mean, you might want invest maybe a couple of dollars in the stock.
James Nathan 22:38 I don’t know if I can these days they’ve got so profitable. Yeah, they’re enormous. And what you know, obviously that sort of thing leaves you with an impression and and I, I love learning from the best. I love learning from businesses like that, saying, okay, well, how can we distill that essence of what happened there? How do we take that to our business? I know when you’re speaking you do a lot of things to make sure that you push that personal brand further and impact people more. What are a couple of the things that you find that work the best for you?
Dawnna St. Louis 23:08 Well, I’ll tell you, I’ll start with from the stage. So from the stage when I’m standing on stage to do tons of keynote speeches, and the one thing that I kind of jokingly say is I actually, I’ve actually never given a keynote speech. I’ve had an intimate conversation over coffee with a few thousand people. Because my goal is really to…. that is my goal. My goal is to have a conversation with them not to not to have a speech which is speaking at someone and to make them feel like family and and make them feel comfortable. And, you know, one of the things that I do is, on stage, is number one, I make it crystal clear that I am absolutely not perfect. I’m going to flubber over words. I am not going to have the perfect presentation and I’m not going to blame anyone else for anything that goes wrong on that stage or my fault, at all. So and when I even when I give a motivational statement, something that I say, I don’t say it down to the audience, you know, as you know, I actually say it to the person that needs to hear it. And then I asked them, so tell me so. So does that resonate with you? How does that work? I mean, I want…. it is a conversation. And people always talk about how to be more engaging. And I’m like, well stop talking at people.
Stop doing that. So that’s, that would be a big number one is creating a safe space where people feel like they’re part of the conversation and bringing them into the conversation. That’s number one. I think a big number two for me is I recognize that my job does not start an end in the 45 or 90 minutes that I’m on stage. It starts from the very beginning when I get there, and I meet people and they say, hey, I saw your picture you look familiar and, and not just say thanks. And keep rolling. You know, I stopped and talk to people and I introduce myself, they’ll say, I saw your picture and I’ll say my name. They’re like, no, I know who you are. And you know, and I’ll still say my name. And it doesn’t matter, you know, and I want to know their name and what makes them come there. And you know, that type of thing, like really taking a moment to just ask people what is going on in your world that made you show up here today? That’s it.
Think about your audience what’s going on in their world that made them listen today? And why is that so important? And how do we listen? What’s going on that frustrates them that they want to overcome? And how do we help them? What do we say that helps them fix that. So they just think a little differently, you know, and so that’s where I start? Then beyond that, when I get off the stage, one of the things that I do is I go and take a picture at every booth with every single solitary vendor, I don’t care if there is 5 vendors, or 500, vendors, I go and take a picture with every single one of them. And I tagged them into…. I put them on Facebook, I tag them individually, I tagged the conference that I was at. And for just a moment, if I have a little bit of a spotlight, I’m going to bring that vendor into that spotlight. Even if just for a second, right. It’s just one of those things to say, hey, look at this, look at this guy. And I always put what I put online, by the way, I’m like, they honoured me with their presence by showing up. And I appreciate that. And so that’s kind of one of the other things that I do is making sure that that I do that.
And then the third thing that I do is, you know, I usually have a photographer that I work with, or because I want the pictures back so quickly. And I take the pictures from the event, like I just did one recently for the National Association of Broadcasting. I take all I take as many pictures as I can from the event. And I then take any quotes or anything that was said that was impactful during the whole week or weekend or two or three days that I was there. And I put those on memes, I turn those pictures into memes. And I send them back to all the people that were at the event. So they know that is special for them. It’s not just something I just pulled out, it was something that is for them.
James Nathan 27:19 There’s some really great little ideas there. And none of those, you know, they’re not expensive things to do just a little bit of time and a bit of effort aren’t they?
Dawnna St. Louis 27:27 Right. Yeah, quite honestly, most of the time, the photographs are taken by their people. Yeah, if I hire a photograph photographer, I generally hire someone locally. If I’m doing the pitches with the vendors, and I don’t have a photographer, quite honestly, we do a selfie. And I just make sure that the vendors logo is somewhere in there in the background or somewhere where I can capture it. So does it take time? Yes, it takes time. But you know what, that’s one of the reasons that I’m there for the several days that I am there, instead of going and putting my carry on behind the lectern and doing a sprint out the door when I’m done speaking, actually stay and interact and be involved with the people who are there because the your service has to go beyond the 45 to 90 minutes that you’re on stage.
James Nathan 28:14 You know Dawnna, I talk to so many speakers and across time and you know, somebody say I, you know, I go and I spend time and for instance, I’m at a conference next week, I’ll go, you know, I’m on at 1030, I’ll get there as early as I possibly can I’ll stay till it shuts. I’m there for the day. And why wouldn’t you take advantage of that and enjoy being there and, add as much as you can, but so many just rock up they do their 45 minutes, their hour and it baffles me.
Dawnna St. Louis 28:40 And I will tell you the funny I will tell you the funniest thing that happened recently at a conference, I’m not going to name the conference. So there was a gentleman who was on before me and he was supposed to go for a full…. for his full time. And he was doing a breakout and he had general session breakout and he ended up leaving early. And they asked me to do a closing keynote, because he left so early. And so I was there and they said they’re kind of in this emergency situation. He ends a half an hour early. Can you help us and I go absolutely. Right. So I jump on stage I do this high energy closing keynote, the lady who is like the mother of this association….. And this happens often by the way where something happens and they go “can you do a closing?” and I’m like I gotcha. It happens quite a bit. That’s one of the reasons why I do stay extra. Anyway, the lady is the mother of all of this association. As I’m getting ready to walk off. She’s like 90, right? She grabs my hand, she pulls me back to the middle of stage puts her arms around me. And she said, “Is he gone? Is the other guy. He’s gone. Yeah. All right. Well, thank God because I tell you watching him speak was like watching paint dry in a thunderstorm. It was never going to end”. First of all, the whole audience laughs, there’s a picture my face, where I’m in shock that she said this, but also there’s a little bit of reverence because I can’t wait to get to the age where I can say whatever I want just like she did. You knows she’s 90 she can say what she wants now.
James Nathan 30:15 What you know, I say to people are going to be cantankerous old man when I’m older, and I get what you mean, when you’re older.
Dawnna St. Louis 30:23 You’re there you don’t have to strive for it.
James Nathan 30:26 Every day I feel it, I feel it.
Dawnna St. Louis 30:28 That’s the thing, you don’t know, when you’re just there and you’re gone. People don’t know you, they don’t get an opportunity to connect with you. And so they have no problem saying these things because literally he got out he came downstairs 15 minutes before he was supposed to go on. He got off early, grabbed his bags and walked out the door. That was it?
James Nathan 30:49 Yeah, look, service lasts. And you know, working with people lasts forever if you do it right. and spending time, taking the time, personalising, all the things that we talked about all the time. But embodying those, there is such a difference from saying it and doing it. And the things you’ve described the tips you’ve given just just lovely stuff. So look, can you leave us with one thing, one big thought, one Golden Nugget, the thing that people could do in their businesses today to be better for today and better for the years to come? What would that be?
Dawnna St. Louis 31:24 Absolutely. This is one of my favorites. And I’m actually going to leave you with two. And I gave you one already. So this is just going to be the follow on to it. So the first thing I said is ask people what’s going on in their world that brought them wherever you are, wherever you guys have met him at an intersection? What’s going on in your world that brought you to Starbucks, what’s going on in your world that had just stopped for a moment on my podcast and listen, and then when you get the answer. Put your phone down, put it where you can’t even…. don’t even know that it’s vibrating. Don’t look over their shoulder for the next person. Don’t listen to them waiting for them to shut up so you can answer. Really listen to them. So that way, you have a follow on question. Don’t then say, Oh, well, that’s what you brought you here. Well, let me tell you why I’m here. Don’t ask with the hope that you can then answer for yourself. No, ask, listen carefully and then ask a follow up question that has to do with what they said. Not with what you want to say next. Makes all the difference in the world the present.
James Nathan 32:36 Dawnna, that is fantastic. Thank you so much for your time. It’s been really lovely talking to you.
Dawnna St. Louis 32:41 Thank you. I really really appreciated being here. I loved it.