Spend enough time and increase your chances of winning
When you add real value to the front end of your sales process things can change to such an extent, the ability to make a sale is increased by huge amounts.
There are a couple of things I’ve tried to buy recently or in the process of acquiring for my business. One is a new CRM system because, well, the one that we’ve been using was ridiculously complicated and didn’t do what I needed, but also I’ve needed some repairs done to to my building. And both of those things have been done by people who spent time.
You know, when I talked to sales people at tech companies, most of them just want to send you a log in and make you play with the itself and decide whether it works. But then you talk to people like Sales Force, who demo, who spend time on the phone understanding what you need and how it’s supposed to work, they put together something that makes it sensible for you.
They are upping their chance of winning by a huge amount by spending that time out front with me.
Is it going to be the process, sorry the product for me probably actually, and am I a big client for them? Not at all, but they do things in such a great way, maybe the others could perhaps learn from them.
Anyway, hopefully that will give you something to think about today.
Have a great day.